Hello, I'm Roshni Ganesh!

A Human-Centered Designer and Researcher based in India

Passionate about exploring, understanding and designing for the complex ways that current & emerging technologies, design cultures, and people interact.

  • SnowDrop App | Saathealth Internship Project

    UI/UX Design | A digital companion to support persons with Early-stage Dementia, their Caregivers, and their Clinicians.

  • NutriWizard - Gamifying Nutrition for Children

    Exploring the Realms of Paediatric Telehealth - An App that gamifies learning and enables children to make informed Health, Nutrition and Food related decisions.

  • Via Shilpkar - Educate, Empower and Engage

    A Service/App that empowers the artisans by serving as a knowledge centre, enabling collaboration between artisans, designers and architects around the country and helping them to directly connect and build a strong customer base, identify potential Indian and Global Markets along with aiding in creating awareness and promoting their respective arts and crafts.

  • Saathealth Family Health App UI Revamp | Saathealth Internship Project

    Worked on revamping the Saathealth Family Health App UI and creating screens for the Swasth UPTSU X Saathealth Family Health App merger.