Saathealth Family Health App UI Revamp | Saathealth Internship Project

Worked on revamping the Saathealth Family Health App UI and creating screens for the Swasth UPTSU X Saathealth Family Health App merger.

  • Timeline

    Feb 2022 - Mar 2022 (1 Month)

  • Team

    Platform Development Team

    I worked closely with the Product Manager and Developers while iterating and designing the high-fidelity prototypes

  • My Role

    • Research

    • Iterations

    • High-Fidelity Mockups

    • Demo Videos

Screens before Revamp


Saathealth’s Design Language - Website Moodboard


Identifying Visual Elements

Final screen designs / prototypes were made on Figma


Saathealth Family Health App Revamped Screens

4. Uniformity in Iconography and Typography - English and Hindi

5. Breaking down components and decluttering

6. Following minimal and in-trend UI design patterns

  1. Uniformity across Saathealth Platforms- Website and App

  2. Using existing colour palette

  3. Using existing design elements


Swasth App - UPTSU X SH Family Health App Screens

  • General App User Journey

  • App User Journey for Anita, an 18 weeks pregnant woman


Key Learnings


Maintaining the Brand Language and Building Narratives

Through this project, I navigated my way through re-designing an existing application according to current UI design trends and their existing visual language.

I also learnt the importance of building empathy through strong narratives while pitching designs to help the stakeholders easily understand the user journeys and the design decisions.

The Designer-Developer-PM Relationship

During this project, I learned a lot about the technical possibilities and limitations involved in the front-end development process and worked on iterating the designs accordingly along with the development team and the Product Manager.

Virtual Collaborations

Considering this was a remote working experience, it was interesting and fun to collaborate, coordinate and deliver with the team in the virtual space.