NutriWizard - Gamifying Nutrition for Children

Exploring the Realms of Paediatric Telehealth - An App that gamifies learning and enables children to make informed Health, Nutrition and Food related decisions.

  • Timeline

    Sept 2021 - Dec 2021 (3 Months)

    Pre-Thesis Project

  • Team


  • My Role

    ‍Planning, Research and Analysis,

    Ideation, Prototyping and User Testing

Key Learnings


Exploring Health-tech / mHealth

As the Covid-19 pandemic charted its unprecedented path around the world, digital adoption has taken a quantum leap with the accelerated acceptance of telehealth and increased use of mHealth.

Expanding my knowledge by reading and learning about a topic as intensive as healthcare x nutrition x education was both challenging and interesting.

The scope for designing mindfully for the Healthcare Ecosystem is vast and fascinating.

Importance of Usability Testing

I understood how important User Feedback and Testing were throughout the course of my project as it was essential to guide and help me make informed conceptual and design related decisions that would in turn make the service best suited and provide the best experience for the stakeholders.

Efficient Diverging and Converging + Multidisciplinarity

With the project brief - “Reorienting human-technology relationships in a post-pandemic era” being open-ended, I learnt an important skill of diverging into the context through vast research and then converging by carefully picking up the key insights.

I learnt to embrace the uncertainity as to what directions my project would take as I worked on both the User Experience and the Service Design parts simultaneously and learned to us various design tools that helped me in streamlining the process.